September 01, 2010

SEO India : Competitive Edge through SEO Services

SEO services  of well established providers give your business a competitive edge in the world of internet marketing. SEO services of top companies offer your website more visibility, help it attract more customers and increase sales. Thus, these SEO services enable business promotion on a global scale.

Relevance of SEO Services in the Business World

Website content plays a crucial role in raising or lowering the position of a website in major search engines. The website should have keyword-rich content and focus on business strategies. However, good website content alone cannot enhance website ranking. Search engine optimization rules and regulations should be followed for the website to be ranked well.

SEO Services help raise Business Profits

In the world of online business, success depends on the ranking of the firm's website. Top ranking is obtained by sticking to systematic procedures in search engine optimization. The first step is conducting research on relevant keywords or key phrases. Moreover, the content should be informative and easy to understand. Important SEO services include keyword research, meta-tagging, title-tagging, HTML validation, search engine and directory submission, online forum and newsletter monitoring. All these SEO services, if efficiently performed, retain the top position of your website.

Value-added Services from a Professional SEO Services Company

Getting affordable and productive SEO services is not easy. It would be advisable to look into the various services offered by top SEO services companies. An experienced and efficient SEO services company specializing in SEO services offers many related services. You get multiple benefits such as top ranking, enhanced traffic, online sales and more. All this gives your business the desired competitive edge.

SEO India - The Easiest, Free Way to Increase Web Traffic and Sales?

SEO content -- without a doubt -- is the number one free internet marketing method to drive traffic and increase sales to your website or blog. If you're not writing and publishing SEO content on your site, you're missing out on the best free marketing tool on the web today.

What is SEO Content? What are SEO Articles?

First, SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. SEO content (aka SEO articles, SEO web copy) is copy that is written specifically to drive traffic to a website and/or blog. This is accomplished using keyword phrases.

If you were the owner of such a business, you would write or hire an SEO copywriter to write articles with these keyword phrases. SEO articles tend to be short -- 350-500 words. They can be longer or shorter, but this is the average length. I usually write them around 250 words which most article directories accept.

In order to get good keyword density of between 3-5%, you would repeat a specific keyword phrase 5-10 times within a 350-500 word article. This will start to get your site ranking well (ie, high in search results) for those phrases.

Hence, when surfers type in a specific SEO keyword phrase, your site will be one of the first ones to pop up with the SEO keyword.

FYI, there is a lot more to writing SEO articles. But this broad definition gives you the gist of what they're all about and why professional SEO copywriters are sorely needed by any business to successfully compete on the web.

SEO India- Black Hat SEO Versus White Hat SEO

Some call it a question of ethics; others just call it business. The discussion is raging online and in marketing conferences around the world, but what exactly are black hat SEO and white hat SEO, anyway?

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 White hat SEO is the angelic version of optimization, that is, it employs only techniques as recommended – or at least, not barred – by search engines and their ever-changing guidelines. Typically, results in the form of more traffic and higher profits take anywhere from three months to a year. With this type of SEO, there is no fear of your site being banned by search engines.

Black hat SEO, on the other hand, is the impatient fraternal twin of white hat SEO. It utilizes techniques specifically banned by search engines like hidden text and hidden links. Some call this spam. Others call it business savvy. Whatever you call it, if the search engine gurus figure out your game then the gig is up and you're blackballed. That means that you could type the name of your company and your name and business address into the search box and your site still won't come up.

It basically breaks down like this: White hat SEO focuses on marketing and the text on a site, updating with keyword rich, informative articles that benefit their clients and build a solid following over time. Black hat SEO focuses on technology and IT tricks to get a ton of traffic right away.

The important thing to consider is what your goal is. Do you want high traffic or do you want high sales? With black hat SEO, you may get immediate results as far as visitors to your site but do these visitors want to buy what you have to offer? If not, who cares if they end up on your site? White hat SEO is more interested in targeted traffic, attracting the kind of visitors to your site who are actually looking for you and are ready to buy your products or services. Over time, your traffic and sales rise together as you build up a following through word of mouth and repeat customers.

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 So what's all the fuss about? Mostly, the rules. White hat SEO follows them meticulously. Black hat SEO follows the numbers instead. Those who take the time to research and follow the rules are irritated by those who achieve high search engine rankings without taking the same pains. However, black hat SEO proponents point out that search engine requests are hardly laws and therefore doing what they like is far from illegal. It's in this discussion that the white hat and black hat merge to become a grey hat.

SEO India : Search Engine Optimization Management

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the least understood and misrepresented skills online.  SEO involves dozens of processes, hundreds of steps, many ongoing and never ending.  With so many processes and steps involved, it should come as no surprise that SEO needs well planned and managed.  At Optimum7 we have documented with exhaustive detail those processes and steps we follow to generate the results we achieve on behalf for our clients.  It starts by having an Execution Plan and a Schedule of Implementation for that plan.

In this spirit, the following are the major areas of Search Engine Optimization that require great management and execution:

Keyword Research

Keywords are the words and phrases used by searchers to find what they are looking for.  Google has achieved market dominance through its ability to provide the most relevant search results.  So, keyword research to identify your "universe" of relevant, targeted words and phrases is a critical element; in fact, keyword research is the cornerstone of all Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. In addition, because trends change all of the time, keyword research is a necessary continual process, particularly to identify and target niche terms and markets.

Onsite Search Engine Optimization

As the name implies this involves all of the on-page elements that a search engine crawler is interested in.  It is important that the information be presented to the crawler the way the search engines want it.  This involves:

a)    Unique, highly relevant, keyword rich Page Titles and Descriptions

b)    Properly implemented Page Titles and Meta Information.

c)    W3 Validation

e)    Dynamic sitemaps

f)     Constant addition of new content (articles, press releases, videos, podcasts, etc)

g)    Inter-linking of content within the site

h)    Dozens of more elements.


Content is probably the least emphasized, yet the single most important component necessary to successfully compete for high search engine rankings.  I suspect this is the case because it requires the most commitment, the hardest to do consistently and over a long period of time and it requires the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) to "level" with the potential client about the plain truth about SEM; no matter how much or little you are paying your Internet Marketing Company, it will be completely wasted if you don't have a strong commitment to regular additions of unique (non-duplicate), highly relevant content.  If the company you are interviewing do not stress this, or even mention it, head for the hills!

The web is essentially a text-based environment. People primarily go online to find information. For a website to attract more visitors and potential clients, it must therefore provide timely, up to date, and relevant information that people can use. Once your website has established a certain level of trust in the eyes of a lot of users, your business will benefit not only from the increased traffic and sales generated, you will also have established a solid and loyal customer base as well. Content does not always have to be too formal or technical either. Constant updates can serve you well in terms of informing visitors of new trends or products you plan to offer. This way, people will have something to look forward to that gets them to keep on coming back to your website.

Offsite Optimization

This is ultimately the most important element of SEO because this always involves the promotion of your content towards the generation of highly relevant, naturally occurring Backlinks.  Backlinks are one-way links originating from someone's website pointing directly to specific content on your website.  Backlinks are the most important factor Google uses to differentiate and ultimately rank based upon relevance.  The basic reasoning is this … backlinks represent a vote by someone else in favor of your website.  If the backlinks originate from sites with strong Google PageRank or strength, the greater the quality of the Backlink.  So, quality AND quantity are important towards generating backlinks.

So how do you get high quality and quantities of Backlinks?  CONTENT.


Write them!  Write great articles with great quality.  Write meaningful, informative, non-duplicate articles.  Matt Cutts of Google calls articles and other effective content as "link bait."  I prefer to explain articles as demonstrations of your expertise and rising authority in the subject matter.  It is the quality of the content that ultimately will determine the maximum number of websites that link to your pages.

Press Releases

Your website and your business must not and cannot be a static system.  There are developments, announcements … NEWS!  Write Press Releases in journalistic style with quotes from key personnel with your business.  Get them published through syndication services such as PRWeb and Marketwire for wide distribution.  The indexing and the traffic generated all work together for Backlink generation.


Create a blog and post daily.  It doesn't have to be great literature.  Share a thought, a reaction, and an experience that is somehow relevant.  I can, even should be a bit edgy.  As with all content, it needs to contain interesting, current or trending topics.  Invite and promote comments.  All of this activity generates and promotes Backlinks as other sites will want to link to you and feed from you to enhance the content for their visitors.


Your articles, press release and blogs can be discussed or even read aloud as recorded podcasts.  This is valid and valuable.  Not everyone likes to read.  Some people are better listeners than readers.


Same idea here; many folks are visual so use this medium to provide the visual news and concepts that are relevant.


Articles, Podcasts, Blog posts, Audio, Video, Multimedia;  ALL content must be properly indexed on your site with an updated sitemap that is sent, preferably automated to all of the search engines so that the web pages get the appropriate credit.  Also, you need to index so that the websites that eventually will link to you will have highly relevant material on your site to actually link to … remember, Google rankings are only about one thing … RELEVANCE.


All the indexing of new content on your site really only builds the foundation for great Backlinking.  All of your content needs to be syndicated by offering them to relevant websites to really get your Backlinking strategy into high gear.  Just as Google indexes your site, so too other websites are indexed including those that will publish your content through your syndication efforts.

All content needs to be "optimized" by including anchor text that targets the one or two keywords that are featured in your content.  You need to target just one or two keywords to give the article or other content type the focus needed for targeting important keywords.  In other words, the more keywords in your anchor text the less effective it will be for all of those keywords because the content is, in effect, diluted.

Targets for syndication really are based on the type of content.  Online publishers like are obviously good for articles.  As mentioned earlier, PRWeb is excellent for Press Releases (Syndication Fees apply).  Audio and Video can be syndicated through familiar sites like ITunes, YouTube, MySpace and many others.

The Social Media including Facebook and Twitter (many dozens more) are great places to syndicate your content through Tweets, posts, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds.  There are countless tools and instruction on how to do these things … just Google it!

Social Bookmarking sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious serve as great human voting platforms for those online communities.  Give your readers of your articles, blog posts etc the further option of adding your great content by adding them to their favorite social bookmarking site.

Social Media and Social Bookmarking sites are great human voting machines and Google is watching this activity very closely.  All of these interactions involving your content generate backlinks and remember backlinks are votes for your website.

So, the major Internet Marketing Optimization Factors include keyword research, onsite optimization, content and offsite optimization primarily for Backlink growth.  There are literally dozens of processes contained within these major factors, all of which are well mastered at Optimum7.

SEO India:Black Hat SEO Techniques

Higher search engine ranking is not achieved overnight. It takes considerable efforts and time to finally get a website to the top of search engine results. One of the most effective ways to help a website establish successful online presence and ranking is search engine optimisation or SEO.

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Search engine optimisation; however, takes time to achieve results. Some web marketers are not open to the idea of waiting for months to achieve the search engine ranking they are aiming for. This is the reason why some of them decide to take the shorter route to high search engine ranking. They do this by using black hat SEO techniques.

Black Hat Search Engine Optimisation Techniques

Some websites copy content from other websites. The search engines are always in the look out for quality content. But writing content can be so laborious and some web marketers don't want to go through this task. So instead of writing their own content, they just copy from other successful websites. This is a trick that triggers the red flag from the search engines. Oftentimes, it results to search engine penalty.

Another major factor that the search engines are looking for is keyword. A website that is highly optimised for a particular keyword will rank high on the search engines every time that keyword is searched for. Some web marketers want to get the short cut top ranking by using keywords excessively on the website's pages. The trick is using invisible keywords (they use the same colour for the keywords' font and the page's background) so that the keywords will not be visible to the site visitors. Just like duplicate content, this trick is meant to do more harm than good to the website.

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Search engine marketing resources never fail to mention about the importance of links. Truly, links play a crucial role in the online success of a website. A website with the most number of quality links ranks top on the search engine results.

Some web marketers participate in link farms or other link exchange programs to inflate their website's incoming links. The fact is that the search engines are not only after the quantity of the links, they are after quality as well. Links from low quality websites don't matter much. And worst, if the search engines found out about the "linking trick", they will penalise the website.

Just like anything else, there is no shortcut way to online success. Top search engine ranking achieved through acceptable search engine optimisation strategies has long term benefits. Black hat SEO techniques will only give short term results and worst it can get a website banned on the search engines.

SEO India: Top SEO Tools and Best Search Engine Optimization Tools

Nowadays, there are lots of innovations along our way, and among such innovations is the latest search engine optimization software that had been made in order to make every work of internet marketer easier to work at. We all know that in search engine optimization, there is lots of software that you can be able to use. Each SEO tool was purposely made in order to address the needs of those people who engage in search engine optimizing. Nowadays, there are lots of SEO software and it is important that you are be able to choose for the best software in order to gain the best benefits from it as well. Among the best software that you can choose to employ is the SEO Powersuite. It is among the comprehensive SEO software suite that you can use for the various processes which is relevant with search engine optimization.

Aside from these things, it will also go beyond what SEO can do. When you are handling those repetitive tasks which pertain to search engine optimization, then you can always use this kind of software and make your work faster and easier. You can have the chance of making tasks to be done easily since it is fully automated and will also give you the best technique for search engine marketing. This software will also help you in finding the most effective keyword that you can use in your internet marketing business. It has the ability to perform keyword popularity and competition, and which is already a great help for you. It can even gave you those information which are about the broken links, erroneous displayed graphics and a lot more which is related with search engine optimization. Among its features are the optimization advice, search engine submitter, keyword density analysis, and even the ranking checker. The other type of Free SEO Software is the SEO Powersuite.

This is also among the software which most of the internet marketer would prefer to use. It can help you create those multiple link pages if you wanted to undergo those exchanging links, or if you wanted to submit an article to any submission directories. It has also the feature of analyzing the keyword density of the target keywords of your website. If you are looking for the best software where you can have the best article marketing tasks easier, and then consider SEO Powersuite as the best solution. You can also use the Traffic Travis since it is also a great help in order to monitor the latest rank of your website on the various search engines. This kind of software will also help you in providing you with the historical data analysis that is best used for your site and for the competitor site tracking. However, with all these SEO software, hailed the best software that you best use for your various SEO tasks, and it is the IBP or the Internet Business Promoter.

It is the software which is being considered as the multi-award winning website promoter software, since it has those best features that you can only find in this tool. This will help you in achieving high search engine ranking in the soonest possible time, and this will also give you with its up-to-date data and which will help you to optimize your page more effectively. It will for sure give you the best benefits, since it has those various features which will for sure help you in making a successful search engine optimization.

SEO India: SEO Software Submitter Improves Site Traffic and Search Engine Rankings?

Search engine optimization has become the most crucial element of ranking high in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Dogpile etc. There are several websites on the internet which boast about SEO techniques & tips and guarantee top placement in days. How do you believe and invest your hard earned money in a company who does not have a background in search engine optimization believing their claims?

The question is "are you ready to play a gamble with your site?" Honestly the answer would be a big NO.

No one would like to waste their money. So, what is the way out? How about doing your own search engine optimization? It is a very long drawn and tedious process if you do it manually. So, how to go about it?

Are there any softwares available to do the SEO?

Yes! there are several SEO softwares available in the market. But, how do you know which SEO software is reliable and meet your search engine optimization needs and most importantly, whether they would live up to their claims?

The answer is did you do enough research?

SEO software is the answer to implement the major SEO techniques. What are they? SEO is primarily divided into two parts.

    * On page optimization
    * Off page optimization

On page optimization

On page optimization involves:

    * Title Tags
    * Meta Tags like meta keywords (lost its importance now due to keywords abuse) & meta description.
    * Alt-Image tags
    * H1, H2 tags
    * High keyword density
    * Quality content
    * Ease of navigation
    * Internal Linking and more.....

Off page optimization

Off page optimization involves:

    * Link Building to improve Link popularity
          o Reciprocal Linking - Two way links
          o Non-reciprocal linking - In-bound links
    * Use of keyword rich anchor text in linking text
    * Improving Google page rank
    * PPC advertisements
    * Directory submissions

SEO India: SEO Services: for Enhancing Your Web Visibility

Search engine optimizations experts  could set you on top of popularity through their proven SEO services packages. All websites, whether big or small need to be made visible in the search engine results and this is possible only through the professional help of SEO experts comprising optimizers, copywriters and, marketers. Those who are serious about what they are doing and want to see it yielding more revenues for them, then having a proper SEO campaign in place is the most essential thing.

The importance of an SEO campaign has now been realized by one and all out there in the web industry. Search engine optimization consultants, those can be found working for professional SEO firms could really be helpful in making you informed about various SEO packages available for you. You know it clear that there are offers on galore from SEO services firms, but which package would best suit you, which firm to approach and how to make the move – these all could be made easier with the help of professional SEO consultants.

Gone are the days when websites were limited in numbers and these were used only for making people informed about the products and services of particular businesses. Things have changed a lot today and through websites itself products and services are now also being sold. For that, you could always refer to the existing ecommerce websites those have given you the pleasure of online shopping right from the comfort of your home.

Whether it's ecommerce website or any site competing in the highly cut-throat online business world, it's mandatory for site owners to have decent SEO campaign performed. Then only, the site would be able to come to public view. In SEO, websites are optimized for targeted keywords so that when visitors search anything relevant, results show these sites in hierarchical order. In the search engine result ladder, the higher your rank becomes, the maximum becomes your chance of getting web visibility. And visibility always has close association with yielding more traffic. Search engine optimization services providers understand these all; hence, they never leave anything undone while offering SEO support to clients.

SEO India: Are You Getting Enough Visitors To Your Website?

Many website owners wish that they could entice more people to visit their websites. It's not hard to see why this should be a common concern. It's obvious that more visitors can lead to an increase in sales, generating more income for the website owner.

But it's not just about getting more visitors. It's also about getting the right type of people to visit your site. There's absolutely no point getting 10,000 new visitors to your website if none of them are going to be prepared to purchase the product or service that you have to offer.

A good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) expert should certainly realise this. If you're looking to employ such an expert then it's worth thinking about who your target customers are. It's likely that you'll be in the best possible position to think about such considerations. You'll have a detailed knowledge of your business, customers and future plans.

So spend some time considering what sort of customers you currently have. Do you products appeal to people living in a particular area? Maybe you've found that you have been particularly successful in finding products that are right for certain age groups. All of this information can be useful when you come to think about getting more people to visit your website.

Crucially, you should be aiming to attract more potential customers. If you work closely with an SEO consultant then you should be able to develop a strategy that's perfect for your own needs. Don't make the mistake of believing that the methodology involved in driving online traffic should be the same for all websites. In reality, there may be considerable variations.

Concentrate on getting the right people to your site and on ensuring that you convert them into paying customers. You'll find this easier to do if you've targeted the right individuals from the outset.

Some SEO companies will make promises about how many extra people they can get to your website each day, or each week. Try not to become too focused on such promises. Remember that your goal is ultimately to increase your profitability. Having more people visit your website will be good news for your vanity, but think about how much it will really help your bank balance.

The right SEO strategy should ensure that you get more of the right type of visitors to your site. It's achievable and will help you to produce impressive results.

SEO Optimization: Customers Are Better Than Visitors

I was recently talking to a local small business owner. They were proudly telling me about how many visitors they attract to their online store. They'd apparently hired an SEO consultant to improve their search engine rankings and were now seeing the benefits. They were getting thousands of extra visitors each month.

It all sounded fantastic and I was keen to discover what sort of increase in profits had been seen as a result. The answer to this question was, however, considerably less impressive. It soon became clear that there had hardly been any increase in sales and that the profits generated weren't even covering the costs associated with hiring the team of SEO experts.

Unfortunately, this situation is typical of that associated with so many small businesses. They often have great websites that have involved investing a large amount of time and money. Those websites may not receive too many visitors, often because they've simply not been optimised correctly. The best web design teams often know suprisingly little about search engine optimisation.

The small business owner may become frustrated by the lack of visitors. It may soon become clear that the website is worthless if it's not contributing to the business. At this point the decision may be made to hire an expert. This makes sense. SEO is a specialised skill and there's clearly value to be found in making use of someone else's expertise.

Some SEO companies are better than others. Some may produce very few obvious results. Others will lead to a dramatic increase in visitor numbers. But if you can't convert those visitors into customers then you still won't be able to make very much progress. This is the reality of search engine optimisation right now.

You need to be sure that your website is set up correctly, ensuring that you can convert visitors into customers. Is your website great at helping you to make sales? It really needs to be.

But you also need to make sure that your SEO strategy is effective. A high quality consultant will be looking to help you generate more customers and more sales. Receiving more visitors to your site will add relatively little value unless those visitors are going to be spending money.

This is a simple point but it is one that's worth remembering. Focus on getting more customers, more leads and more sales. Forget about visitor numbers. You'll rather have less visitors and more sales.